Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Context

Course Description
In this course, students learn about the roles of innovation and entrepreneurial behavior in the creation of new businesses, and in the further development of existing companies. They study the relevant actors and processes, with a focus on the role of different contexts and their effect on innovative behavior. They identify the most important stakeholders, networks, and opportunity structures that influence the success and failure of entrepreneurship.
Learning Goals
By the end of the course students will be able to:
- Understand innovation and entrepreneurial processes in their context
- Recognize the most important internal and external aspects of entrepreneurship
- Conduct a holistic analysis of the empirical data that they gather through a case study on innovation and entrepreneurship (in relation to the prescribed and discussed literature)
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the Organizational Context
- Cultivating Creativity: Idea Generation and Elaboration
- Bringing Ideas to Life: Idea Championing and Implementation
- Organizing for Innovation: Social vs. Human Resource Management
- Social, Relational, or Something Else? Different Perspectives on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Context
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Teaching Courses
In this course, students learn about entrepreneurship and innovation in different contexts.

Teaching Courses
In this course, students learn about entrepreneurship and innovation in different contexts.

Teaching Lectures

Teaching Lectures
A lecture about the implementation phase of the innovation process.